🌟 ROCC SELF CARE KITS: Empowering Health and Dignity

At Residents of Color Collective (ROCC), we believe that everyone deserves access to essential self-care items, regardless of their circumstances. Our Essential Drive aims to provide unsheltered individuals and youths with travel-sized self-care kits, promoting hygiene, health, and well-being.

What’s Inside Each Self-Care Kit?

Our carefully curated self-care kits include the following travel-sized essentials:

  1. Socks: Keeping feet warm and comfortable.

  2. Protein Bars: Nourishing energy for those on the move.

  3. Water: Staying hydrated, especially during challenging times.

  4. Hand Sanitizers: Maintaining cleanliness and preventing the spread of germs.

  5. Body Wash: A refreshing way to maintain personal hygiene.

  6. Wash Cloths: Gentle and effective for cleansing.

  7. Deodorant: Boosting confidence and freshness.

Additional Items We’re Adding:

  • Combs and Hairbrushes: Taming hair and promoting self-esteem.

  • Lotion: Keeping skin moisturized and comfortable.

  • Menstrual Underwear, Pads, and Tampons: Ensuring dignity and comfort for menstruating individuals.

(During winter, we also include gloves, hats, and scarves to protect against the cold.)

First-Aid & COVID-19 Kits: Caring for All

In addition to self-care kits, we provide essential health supplies:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide, Neosporin, and Anti-fungal Cream: Treating minor wounds and preventing infections.

  • Vaseline and Coconut Oil: Moisturizing and soothing dry skin.

  • Band-Aids: Ready for any small cuts or scrapes.

  • Thermometer: Monitoring health.

  • Soothing Tea (Cedar, Peppermint, Green, Honey, Licorice): A comforting beverage.

  • Cloth Face Masks: Vital for protection.

  • Hand Sanitizer and Sanitizing Wipes: Maintaining cleanliness.

How You Can Make a Difference?

Your generous donations directly impact lives. As a 501c(3) non-profit organization, Residents of Color Collective ensures that your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.

DONATE TODAY: Your support helps us continue our mission of compassion, empowerment, and community care. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Thank you for being a part of the ROCC family. Let’s uplift one another and create a world where everyone thrives.

Residents of Color Collective is a 501c3 non-profit and donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. EIN 86-2786803.